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The Power of Personalization: Capture High Quality Leads and Convert Them to Customers


As a marketer, one of your top priorities is to grow your email list. There are a number of different ways you can build your email list, but none more effective than through your website.

You devote a lot of time and resources getting traffic to your site, but now that your audience is here, what do you present them with to capture their information? And once they subscribe, what sort of emails do you send them to convert them to customers?

Join this free webinar with Sleeknote and Campaign Monitor to learn how to use your website to generate high quality leads and personalized emails to convert them to customers!

In this free webinar, you’ll learn how to:

  • Leverage your website to capture high quality leads
  • Segment your leads based on user behavior
  • Convert these leads into customers through highly-personalized email campaigns

Jason: Good morning. I’m Jason Dent, the Director of Marketing here at Campaign Monitor. And I wanna thank you for joining Campaign Monitor and Sleeknote today for our webinar on the power of personalization, how to get high-quality leads and convert them into customers. We’re excited to have Rikke Thomsen Head of Email Marketing at Sleeknote with us this morning to discuss best practices around capturing leads on your website using pop-ups. And I will be discussing how you can take those leads and use personalized emails to convert them into happy customers.

As you’ll notice from our agenda today, we’ll be starting off covering the best practices on using website pop-ups that will increase conversions. And then we’ll go over personalization tactics that leverage that customer data you’ve captured ranging from simple to more advanced. But before we get started, there are just a few housekeeping items that I wanna cover right now. We are recording this session, and the recorded version will be sent out within the next 24 hours. So if you can’t stay for the entire presentation, you’ll have access to the recording to watch it at your convenience. Also, we’ll be saving some time at the end for questions. So please use the live chat window at the bottom right-hand corner to submit your questions as they come up, And we’ll do our best to get to all of them at the end. So without further ado, let’s dive right into it. To kick us off, I’m gonna pass it over to Rikkea from Sleeknote.

Rikke: Perfect. So today, I wanna tell you how you can use pop-ups to convert your website visitors into high-quality leads. So in the first example, I have here is from a drug store where they’ve added an opt-in form with a guide to choosing the right product. So the first strategy I wanna share with you is very similar to this example. It’s the content upgrade. So a lot of content marketers are already using content upgrades in their email marketing, but we’re still not seeing it from e-commerce stores, which is a last-ditch innovation opportunity. So in the example here, they offer a guide to increase sales. But if they were to use such a pop up to generate leads, they could have made a guide to, let’s say, how to apply the perfect foundation instead, and then add an input field where visitors enter their email address to get the guide.

You can add an opt-in form to any of your product pages where you offer a bonus in exchange for an email address. This could be a video guide on how to string a tennis racket if you sell sports equipment. It could also be a hair tutorial if you sell hair products. The list goes on. And it’s just about getting creative with what you wanna offer your visitors in exchange for that email address. The most important thing to remember when you’re creating this offer is that it’s relevant to the people you’re showing to and to the content in which it appears. So in this example from our own website, we offer a swipe file full of e-commerce email examples. So this content upgrade is presented in a blog post on email marketing, making it highly relevant to the people reading this content.

Another way of converting your visitors into leads is through the contact form. You can use pop up to show your visitors a simple contact form where they can fill in their contact information and their question, and you can reach out to them as soon as possible. You can use the contact form to reach out to the visitors who have browsed a certain page for a set amount of time and ask them if they need any help. This could, for instance, be your about page or a specific product pages where you sell more complex products that people aren’t necessarily reached by without getting additional information. So the contact form serves the purpose of offering a direct line of communication between you and your visitors and the lead to get through the contact form high-quality leads that have shown a high level of engagement and interest in your business and your product.

So the sample on the screen here is from a traveling agency where they offer visitors a chance to get a custom quote on a skiing trip based on their travel preferences. When creating a contact form, it’s a good idea to include an image of the person who’s going to be contacting you. So, for instance, if it was me, I would add an image of myself adding text to the contact form saying, “Hey, I’m ready. I will be calling you in four hours,” or however long you’re going to take before you call these people. It’s always important that you put the amount of time that people can expect to wait before they receive a call from you or an email from you depending on what you’re offering. So the next strategy I want to share is the exit intent form. You’ve probably already seen this on various websites. And for a good reason, they work. About 98% of your visitors leave your site without converting into leads or customers. But by adding an exit intent form, you can convert 2% to 4% more of those 98% abandoning visitors which might not sound like a lot. But when you look at the pure number of signups, you can really see a significant increase.

So the exit intent form triggers when visitors are about to leave your site, and you can try to convince them one last time to stay on your site. Exit intent forms are especially effective in your checkout where visitors have added items to their cart, and then they try to leave your site without completing their purchase. Here, I would add a strong incentive to get visitors to complete their purchase such as a discount code or a freebie that will be sent to their email address. That way, you get their email address. And even though they might not use the code to complete their purchase, you can try to convert them into customers through your email marketing but more on that later. There are many ways to increase your conversion rates for pop-ups. But I also want to share with you what not to do when you’re using them.

You always want your pop-ups to be as non-intrusive as possible giving your visitors the best experience possible. The first thing you should never do is show a pop-up in your checkout flow unless, of course, it’s an exit intent form. People who go through a checkout shouldn’t be interrupted as this could possibly keep them from completing their purchase. So you wanna make the checkout as smooth as possible without interruptions. Second, you should never create a pop up without making sure it follows through the guidelines. Back in January 2017, Google made an update that blocks all mobile pop-ups that take up the whole screen. So to ensure that you don’t get punished by Google, we created a mobile editor, so you have the option to go customize your opt-ins for mobile. So in the image to the right, you can see how much space your mobile teaser is allowed to take up and not get blocked by Google.

So third on the list is that you should never use sign up or subscribe or anything similar to that as your call-to-action. I really can’t emphasize this enough, just don’t do it. It’s not a good call-to-action. It doesn’t tell your visitors anything except that they will be subscribed to your newsletter. People already received so many emails today, so why try to convert them by offering them to sign up to get another newsletter? The end goal is the same, but you always wanna ensure that you tell people what’s in it for them, why should they sign up for your newsletter.

So an example of this could be if you’re offering a discount in return for a visitor’s email address. You can write, “Yes, I want my 20% discount now.” Or if you’re running a competition to win a free product, you should write, “I want to win a free…” and then the name of your product. So your call-to-action should always tell people what they can expect when they click it. And it should be creative so that it stands out from what your competitors are doing.

Fourth is very similar to what I said about Google punishment. Your pop-ups should never take up the whole screen and block all the content on your website. And that should always be easy to close down. Just as your pop up, it should never be triggered the moment a visitor interest your site. So give people a few seconds to get a firsthand impression of your site. It really doesn’t take longer than that and then show your pop-ups after a set amount of seconds. We’ve seen the best results when a pop-up shows after seven seconds, but you should of course test this yourself.

You can also experiment with other triggers based on the pages your pop-ups appear on. This could, for instance, be a scroll trigger if you have long form content on a specific page. It could be a JavaScript trigger that pops up when visitors have clicked a specific link or a button. There are many ways to customize your opt-in forms, so they’re shown to just the right people at the right time and with the right message. The most important is that you actually use these triggers and test what works best for your site and your visitors. Lastly, you don’t want to show you a newsletter pop up to existing subscribers. So everyone that’s already signed up for your newsletter shouldn’t see an opt-in form with that call-to-action. They’ve already given you their email address so they’ll only be annoyed if they’re presented with yet another pop up asking them to sign up. Instead, you can show them pop-ups guiding them to your newest arrivals or feature products or anything on your website that you wanna drive traffic to.

Okay, so there are a few best practices to how you can increase your conversion rates. So one thing I really want to stress the importance off is A/B split testing. So even the smallest of changes can drive your conversion rate through the roof. Some of the things you can split test is, for instance, the images in your pop-ups, the headlines, what you’re offering people in exchange for their email address, your call-to-action, the copy, the text in your opt-in, the color, the design, the number of input fields. Important thing to mention here is that the more information you ask for in a pop-up, the lower your conversion rate would be. So we’ve seen that a maximum of two input fields, which is name and email address has the highest conversion rates. And every single time you add an input field in addition to the two, you decrease your conversion rate by 50%.

So it’s a balance between the information you want, the information you need, and how likely people are to sign up providing that information. You can also test the different ways to close your opt-in form. So for instance, it can be a simple X on top of the opt-in form, or it can be where you have two call-to-action buttons, one that says, “No, thank you.” One that says, “Yes, please,” or “Dude, you should test all these different things.” And lastly, the position of your pop up. So if it should be in the middle of your screen, if it’s just sliding from the bottom, if it should be in the right corner, in the left corner. All these things are crucial to test if you want to make sure that your pop-ups have the highest conversion rate possible. So I want to show you a few examples of split test that our customers have done to just illustrate the difference in conversion rate.

So the first example here is from a home decor e-commerce store called LivingShop. They created these two almost identical pop-ups, but the difference is one has an image, and the other one doesn’t. The offer is completely the same. The copy is the same. The call-to-action button is the same. The only difference is the image, and the one with the image had 64.5% higher conversion rate than the one to the left. So that just shows that adding an image to your opt-in form can make a huge difference because you show visitors what they can win, or in this example, you show them a product that they can potentially buy with that gift certificate. So just illustrating the gain that’s there if people sign up through your form.

So the second test I brought here is the offer, the lead magnet itself. What you’re offering in exchange for the email address. So this is an example from Organic Basics, a Danish organic clothing company. And in one example, they offer a 10% discount to spend on any product in the webshop or and the other example is where they offer a freebie which is a tote bag. This test showed that the reserves preferred the free tote bag over the 10% discount by 97.6%. One of the reasons we think this happens is because a 10% discount can be used on any product, but it’s also it doesn’t show visitors exactly what they get. So people are more likely to opt-in for an offer that tells them exactly what type of product they get. So they get a free product. It’s not just a discount where they have to pay extra to get a product. It’s something they get completely for free without having to spend any money. They just have to provide their email address.

So the last example here is from Bang & Olufsen, and the only difference in these two pop-ups is the headline. So the copy is exactly the same. They both have an image. The call-to-action is the same. The only difference is they added an extra win, an extra again to the headline. And this tiny difference showed an improvement of 59.1% increase in conversion rate by adding an extra benefit to the headline. So that’s one thing that’s important to test as well is not just a copy of your headline but also the benefit of it. Do you add extra benefits or do you keep it really simple to make the headline more catchy? It’s very different from store to store what works best. So even though this might have worked for Bang & Olufsen, it could easily be the opposite for any other e-commerce store. My point here is that it’s so important to test every single element of your pop-up to ensure that you have the highest converting version on your website at all times. Okay, so now that you know the best way to convert your visitors into high-quality leads, I’m gonna pass it over to Jason so he can tell you how to convert those leads into customers.

Jason: Perfect. Thanks, Rikke. So as you said, we’ve discussed ways that you can capture more leads using pop-ups. And we want to discuss how you can use that very specific customer data from those forums to inform your email marketing strategy in a way that allow you to convert more customers using that data. So while email has long been used to nurture prospects, there are some tactics that you can use to increase the likelihood of them opening your email and taking the next steps towards a purchase. And you do this through what we call personalization. In other words, you take an email that you are sending to all of your product prospects, and you incorporate items and data points that make it feel more like a one-to-one email that was sent specifically to that prospect.

All right. So next, we’re gonna discuss why you should personalize emails. The numbers are actually pretty clear that the more you can move from a one-to-all message and towards a one-to-many or one-to-one marketing strategy, the more effective your marketing will be overall. And as you can see by the numbers here, it’s pretty staggering. Thirty-three percent of marketers surveyed stated that personalization as the capability most important to marketing in their future. Seventy-four percent of marketers say that targeted personalization increases customer engagement. And there’s a 20% average increase in sales when using personalized experiences. So this is across marketing as a whole, and we think that it translates over to email as well. And email is one of the areas where it’s most easy to personalize that interaction between you and your prospects.

And this is because it’s not only the marketers that are shifting, it’s actually a factor of who we’re marketing to. So consumers now expect personalized experiences. According to a study done by VentureBeat, 77% of digital natives expect messaging tailored to them. And according to a Salesforce study, 51% of consumers believe that by 2020, companies will be able to anticipate their needs and make relevant suggestions before any contact with a salesperson has ever made. Seventy-four percent of customers feel frustrated when website content isn’t personalized. So as people get a custom to marketing technology that’s being used today, they increasingly don’t wanna feel like they’re just part of the masses. They wanna feel like brands and companies understand them, and they provide them with content and products that match their specific interests.

So this can be a challenge, especially if you are used to using more of a mass email marketing approach. So we wanted to provide several ways that you can get started with email personalization, as well as some advanced tactics that allow you to get very granular with your emails. So first, let’s start with the easy tactics. These are basic but sometimes overlooked, but they’re really simple ways to dip your toe in the water. So easy tactic number one is send from a recognizable name. One of the first things you can do is start personalizing or customizing the sender for an email, essentially who the email is coming from when the recipient sees it in their inbox. This sender is typically listed in larger, heavier font, depending on the email client that you’re using.

So it’s good to make sure that they recognize the name and the value you are putting in there. People receive an average of 88 plus emails a day, and they wanna be able to quickly scan and see who those emails are coming from, and then determine if they’re worth opening or not. So getting this technique right can go a long way since 68% of Americans say they base their decision to open an email solely based on the from name. So here’s a quick example of this. Say someone filled out a form on Comcast site saying they were having issues with their internet speeds. Comcast not only responds with a human being but then puts that person in a specific email nurture program designed to retain customers and give special offers to compensate for any technical issues.

Having those specific emails come from Comcast Customer Support may seem trivial at first, but it tells that person that Comcast knows who they are. That they had a specific issue that Comcast fixed for them, and they value retaining that customer. So it’s small and might seem somewhat obvious, and something that you might do by default, but all these little things add up when it comes to personalization. Here’s another quick example from British multinational fashion retailer Topshop. By listing themselves as the sender and having it displayed in larger and bold font, it’s easy for their readers who have shown interest either by a past purchase or have opted into getting emails from them to immediately know who the email is coming from, which will increase open rates.

The second easy tactic is really spicing up your subject line. So including personal details in the subject is another easy way to get started creating more of a one-to-one experience with your audience. Emails with personalized subject lines are actually 26% more likely to be opened when compared to generic subject lines. So it’s a great way to get started with personalization. A very common use case is just the inclusion of a person’s first name in the subject line. According to Marketing Sherpa, this tactic can increase open rates by up to 29%. But there’s a lot more that you can do to personalize the subject line. If you have regional campaigns that you are running, you can include the city, state, country, for example, in the subject line. Or if you run an online shop, you can include recent purchases or show the reader other items they might be interested in. This is one area where you can get creative. And, again, use A/B testing on your subject lines to see which ones are more effective for your audience.

A quick example here is from Converse. So Converse personalizes their subject line and they chose to use the readers’ first name as you can see here. So whether this email was based on a previous purchase of Chuck Taylors by John or if John was just browsing Chuck Taylors on their website, they’ve sent this email with his name in the subject line. And it’s a small step that you can take to have a very strong effect on open rates within your email campaigns.

All right, moving on to the medium sophistication tactics. Changing the from name and adding unique details are just a couple easy tactics that you can get started with, but we’re gonna talk about things that are a bit more complicated or more sophisticated in terms of legwork. So customized body copy. Now that you’ve been able to get your email opened, what’s the next step? It’s time to personalize the body copy of your email, and that opens up a world of opportunities. You can honestly customize the copy with anything relevant about the reader that you have within your data using custom fields. A commonplace brands get started with personalizing body copy is simply by, again, including the readers’ first name within the body of the email, either in the welcome line or somewhere in the middle of the email itself.

This is important because personalized email messages actually improve click-through rates by an average of 14% and conversions by 10%. So using these custom fields allows you to store literally any piece of information that you’ve collected on your subscribers, and use it to personalize your email campaign. So if you’re collecting things like birthday, or T-Shirt size, or location, or the last booking date, or subscription package, VIP level, all of these data points that you might be collecting, you know, based upon your business model, you’re able to use those within the body copy of your email using custom fields in Campaign Monitor.

Here are a few quick examples from Sephora and Dropbox. The first being from cosmetics and beauty products chain, Sephora, they have included the recipients first name in the top line of their email right below the 20% discount that they are sending. The second email on the right is from cloud storage and file hosting service, Dropbox. In the body of their email, they include the recipient’s company name, so in this case, Realize Enterprises, as well as the product that they are using from Dropbox so Dropbox for Business. Both of these are really just scratching the surface on how you can implement custom body copy within your email that speak directly to the situation of your readers.

All right, medium tactic number two is implementing dynamic images. So beyond just personalizing the email copy text, you can also dynamically change the images in your email campaigns to better appeal to specific subscribers. So this is another powerful way that you can increase your click-through rates by making the email speak to them on a more personal level. Vero ran a study of more than 5,000 email campaigns and found that campaigns with images had click-through rates 40% higher than campaigns without images. So overall, you’re gonna want to include imagery in your email campaigns. But by segmenting your subscriber list based on your customer data, you can insert these images that are personalized and customized to each recipient. So again, segments are based on any data that you’re collecting on your readers.

So you can segment your list by location or gender or age or past purchases. There are several ways to segment your overall audience. And creating email offers that speak directly to your prospects will have an impact on their behavior as this is the kind of email marketing that they want. So 71% of consumers said they prefer personalized ads and offers and 48% of consumers spend more after they receive personalized e-commerce efforts. So if you can do this with your email offers, it will increase your click-through rates and your conversions.

A couple of quick examples of this. One is from Campaign Monitor directly. We had the images in our email dynamically change based on the subscriber individual location. So we created different images based on our audience for people who are in the UK, in the United States, and in Australia, and tested them against a generic location agnostic image. So the results, by making the images personalized to the subscriber’s region, we were able to increase the click-through rate by 29%. The dynamic content that you see on the right is an example of something Adidas did in their email campaigns for the original series. They switched the products being promoted based on the subscriber’s gender promoting products that they felt would be most relevant and appealing to encourage them to make a purchase.

Moving on to the advanced tactics. The first one is product recommendations. By integrating the customer’s recent purchase history or browsing history into your email marketing, you can leverage the customer behavior to create relevant, engaging email campaigns that boost purchases through cross-sell or upsell product recommendations. According to McKinsey, 35% of Amazon’s revenue is generated from their recommendation engine. So product recommendations, on the whole, have a great influence on purchase behavior. So retailers and e-commerce sites can now create one-to-one targeted emails that speak to individual preferences in order to create this long-term relationship and increase the lifetime value of a customer by keeping them coming back to make purchases. And this is key because 45% of online shoppers are more likely to return to a site that offers personalized product recommendation so you’re gonna wanna incorporate that into your email marketing.

Here’s an example from Brooklinen who sends an email based on website behavior of images of the products that consumer recently browsed, reminding them that the sheets that they looked at are still available with an easy call-to-action button to make a purchase. They also include a free shipping offer to sweeten the deal. The second, advanced tactic is purchase abandonment. Every online retailer or e-commerce company knows that just because someone puts an item into their shopping cart doesn’t mean that they’ll purchase it. In fact, cart abandonment rates are at all-time highs today at 74% plus. So whether the consumer had second thoughts or got distracted or simply ran out of time, it’s nice to know that you can still try to get that customer to come back using email marketing and automation.

In fact, contacts that are re-engaged through abandoning cart email spend 55% more when they return to a website. So again, you can create emails that specifically remind your readers of items that they’ve placed in their cart, but not actually fulfilled the purchase process. And use those images within your email marketing back to those people, to automate emails that remind them to come back and make the purchase. And again, you might even be able to throw in a discount to encourage them to cross the finish line.

Here’s a quick example from Birchbox. So by tracking their customer’s website behavior and tying that data into their email marketing platform, they’re able to know when someone begins the checkout process but doesn’t actually complete it and abandons the purchase. When this happens, Birchbox automatically sends an email reminding them that they still have items in their cart and then encourages the customer to go back to the site and complete their purchase, and includes images of the products that they left behind.

Moving on to advance tactic number three, behavioral segmentation. Put simply, behavioral targeting is a technique that marketers and advertisers use to segment audiences based on a combination of a user’s behaviors.

And based on these behaviors and patterns, marketers and advertisers can present viewers with much more engaging and relevant messages. Some examples of these behaviors include number of visits to your website, or previous products that you’ve purchased, or what categories you prefer to read. If you’re registered as a member, there’s multiple behaviors that you can track on your website to include in your email marketing. And then by combining these with demographic data that you’re already collecting through your forms, or through past purchases, you can create very granular segments that combine pretty much all the tactics that we’ve covered previously today.

So while this takes more effort to slice your list into these highly detailed segments, rather than just relying on the demographic information that’s captured, this sort of behavioral targeting allows marketers to get more specific with the campaigns that they put together and the offers that you’re presenting. So this level of personalization while more intensive pays off in a big way. Let’s look at Flight Center as an example. So Canadian travel company Flight Center compiles data from their email, social properties, website, and backend systems into Campaign Monitor. With that data, Flight Center then creates highly-targeted segments for their club read newsletter based on customer interest, behavior, and engagement with their marketing properties. Then using these segments, Flight Center triggers automated customer journeys with personalized vacation offers to inset higher bookings.

By combining all these behavioral data points, they segment their list in several ways. One segment is for Club Read Cruise which contains their subscribers who have indicated they are more cruise enthusiasts than flight enthusiasts. Another is Club Read Luxury which contains subscribers whose behavior and previous spend indicates an interest in luxury travel. They even segment out their millennial subscribers to engage them with travel tips and ideas and points to Flight Centre’s social channels. Each of these segments will then combine relevant demographic data to provide each recipient an offer that is personalized and is most likely to encourage conversion. Club Read subscribers contribute approximately 20% of Flight Center’s total sales, which is powerful and shows the effectiveness of the personalized approach that Flight Center takes to their email program.

So that wraps it up for our email personalization tactics today. We hope that you’ve learned some important best practices about capturing quality leads with website pop-ups and picked up some ideas on how you can better convert those leads into paying customers using email personalization. Before we wrap up, we have a special offer from Sleeknote and then we have some time for Q&A.

Rikke: Yeah, so thank you for attending this live training. We have a special offer for Sleeknote. So if you sign up within 24 hours at the end of this webinar, you’ll get a 14-day extended free trial, and a custom made Sleeknote designed by our conversion rate experts. So all you have to do is to go to and send me an email at [email protected], and we’ll get you set up in a matter of minutes.

Jason: Great. Thanks, Rikke. Before we end, we do have time for a few questions that have come in, and so I will just go over these really quick. Rikke, the first one is for you. “Could you specify the difference between desktop and mobile opt-ins?”

Rikke: Yeah. So the reason why there should be a difference between desktop and mobile is the obvious that your mobile screen is much smaller than your computer screens. So in order for a pop-up not to be intrusive on a mobile screen, it shouldn’t display immediately taking up the whole screen. So instead, you should add a teaser to your mobile opt-in that only displays in the bottom or top of the mobile screen. So for your pop up to appear, you have to take action and click the teaser to see your opt-in form. That way, Google will view your pop-up as intrusive and block it for your mobile visitors. And also design-wise, you shouldn’t include as much information in your mobile opt-ins as you do for desktop. So, for instance, in a desktop version, you can add multiple images. But that wouldn’t work on a mobile opt-in because you have less space to work with. So that’s why it’s important that you don’t just have responsive opt-ins, but that you have opt-in specifically designed for your mobile users.

Jason: Great. Thank you. So this next question is, “Is there such a thing as over personalizing your emails?” And I would say that that, yes, there is. There is a line that I think you can cross when it comes to leveraging everything you know about your customers. But again, this will be interesting to see how this evolves going down the road. The data does suggest that people want a more personalized experience, but there is a certain creepy factor I think that worries people when all of their data is thrown back at them. So I think you have to be strategic in how you personalize and using things that personalize to incentivize people to make a purchase just to show them that you know something about them from a business level like previous interactions or things like that.

But I know that you can… There will be a certain percentage, regardless of people who respond negatively to personalization. And that’s just the unfortunate case. So you kind of have to, as you start rolling out your personalization tactics, really be careful about how you measure them. And you wanna make sure that whatever platform you’re using, you’re able to analyze the effectiveness of that campaign versus your baseline campaigns and really see if it is, in fact, increasing click-through rates and conversions. Because if it’s not, then you obviously might wanna tone it down.

All right, next question. “Does Sleeknote integrate with Campaign Monitor?”

Rikke: Good question. Yes, we do have a direct integration with the Campaign Monitor. So any leads that come through any of your opt-ins, Sleeknote opt-in forms, will just go directly into your Campaign Monitor lists.

Jason: Great. And I think we have time for one more question here. “When it comes to personalization is behavioral data or demographic data better?” I don’t know if you can say one is better than the other. Again, it’s gonna depend on your business and your use case for email. But the most effective email campaigns will typically have one or both incorporated in some fashion. You might only be able to capture demographic data now. And so you can pull that in and start using that to… And again, you wanna like A/B test, which is the most effective data to use there. But you can start incorporating behavioral data into your email marketing program without necessarily having to create all these segments based upon that behavior. So we call it behavior-triggered journeys.

So basically, you can have your segments based on demographic data. So simple things like where someone’s located, past purchase, or anything like that. But then you can then say like if this person visits this section of my website, or they click into a page on my site that’s ‘Learn More Info’ or anything like that, you can use that to trigger an automated email nurture that then walks that person towards a purchase or a conversion. So you don’t necessarily have to jump into the deep end with behavioral data right away, you can still start with your demographic data. But I do think that combining the two and starting to leverage behavioral data down the road in a more specific manner is only gonna increase the performance of your email.

So hopefully that answers the question. Again, with everything, you wanna A/B test. You know, like there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to email marketing. So you’re gonna wanna see which small changes increase performance over time and start there. So that’s all the time we have today. Again, I wanna thank Rikke from Sleeknote and all of you for joining us. Again, you will be receiving a copy of this recording in your email within the next 24 hours. Thanks again, and we look forward to talking with you.

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