Resources Hub » Webinars » The State of Email Marketing in 2021

The State of Email Marketing in 2021

How to build connections and drive revenue

The world of marketing is changing fast—is your email program still hitting the mark? Join Campaign Monitor with guests from 1440 Media, the Australian Red Cross, and Lawrence & Schiller for this definitive analysis of our annual Email Marketing Benchmarks report.

Covered in this webinar:

  • The biggest trends in key email metrics every marketer needs to know
  • How COVID-19 influenced email marketing performance across industries
  • Short-term wins and long-term plans to help you beat the average and leapfrog to the front of the pack
  • Inspiration, guidance, and real success stories from high-performing email marketers

Lane Harbin: Alright, well thank you all so much for being here. We are really excited to hear from you about your email marketing expertise and we have quite a bit to get through. So let’s just jump right in.

Lane Harbin: Carly, let’s, let’s start with you. What surprised you about the benchmarks that we just went through.

Carly Hegstad: Yeah, I think it’s always interesting to see how metrics change each year, but the one that I found most interesting was really this shift in open rates by day of week

Carly Hegstad: There’s, you know, of course, number of different factors that go into why someone chooses to opening email.

Carly Hegstad: But I thought was really interesting to see that Friday was rising to the top for a good day to send emails.

Carly Hegstad: I think part of that could be, you know, reflective of how people’s schedules feel a little bit more fluid.

Carly Hegstad: Between work and home life or even somebody that you know Friday nights, maybe have a little bit more downtime this year than we have in years past, but it’ll be interesting to see, you know, if for how this metric kind of changes in this coming year.

Lane Harbin: Definitely, Tim, what what jumps out at you.

Tim Huelskamp: Yeah, I agree with Carlin. I think the Friday, having the highest open rates. It’s sad. You can kind of see like happy hour dying and

Tim Huelskamp: The other thing that was interesting was how mobile opens dropped from 63% of 54%. It’s consistent with our data as well. We saw were daily email newsletter and sends out early in the morning and we saw

Tim Huelskamp: Similar engagement, but we saw it later in the day. So our thesis is basically folks are not the train anymore. And they’re sleeping in a little bit longer, and then they’re going to read

Tim Huelskamp: Our news from their computers are on their phones into the office. So that was also super surprising to us.

Lane Harbin: Yeah, I’ve definitely noticed that in just my own routine so many things that I would do commuting now are done from bed if I’m being honest so completely

Nihal Abed: Yeah, I was actually really surprised to see that the open rates jumped up because we also. We also volumes increased dramatically. So generally, I expect that when volumes go up engagement kind of goes down due to email fatigue. So I was really surprised to see that 13% jump in open rates that was really interesting.

Lane Harbin: Right. I think there’s so many of those pieces of data that we’re unprecedented for an unprecedented year. So I’d love to dig a little bit deeper into how each of you thought that 2020 and everything that entailed affected your email marketing, what changes. Did you have to make to your program and how did you see your audiences respond and 10 let’s, let’s start with you.

Tim Huelskamp: Yeah, so what, a year. Right. We had a global pandemic. We had an election we had the biggest social justice movement and a half century. So we saw was our readers were craving.

Tim Huelskamp: I think there’s a lot of confusion in the market, both on social media. On the news and the news, generally. So we try to be an impartial source where readers can trust us with information so we worked really hard this year on providing impartial news and like kind of cutting through the noise in the confusion to just really hope our readers understand what was happening in the world in a crazy crazy crazy year.

Lane Harbin: Yeah, I’m sure that was very welcome. I know I’ve been relying on what news. Can I get that’s not going to completely overwhelm me that that I can stay on top of everything that’s going on.

Lane Harbin: Carly. How about with you.

Carly Hegstad: Yeah, I mean, it’s easy to say there was a lot a lot that happened this past year and, You know, from an agency perspective, we saw that brands are really being held to a new level of expectation and they really needed to communicate with their customers in an entirely new way.

Carly Hegstad: For example, some of our highest engagement rates we saw where when we announced switching our internship program to being a virtual internship.

Carly Hegstad: And then also, when we shifted our messaging. So really, just how marketing trends have changed in light of covert and

Carly Hegstad: what that might mean for our clients or for their industries, but this year really forced brands to think differently about what their messages and and why it’s really matters in order to kind of break through the clutter of the inbox.

Lane Harbin: Yeah, that’s such a good point because brands couldn’t

Lane Harbin: Just say anything they want and they had to think

Lane Harbin: A lot more about the context that their communication would be received in. So I would love to dive a little deeper into that and some of the next questions.

Lane Harbin: And then niihau. What do you think for Australia and Red Cross, I know that you were navigating many different crises this year.

Nihal Abed: Yeah, yeah, it was an

Nihal Abed: Absolute

Nihal Abed: whirlwind. So we had unprecedented engagement and as well as high acquisition numbers in terms of email subscribers in the start of the year due to the bushfires. That was completely unprecedented for us. So We saw a huge jump in the number of new subscribers.

Nihal Abed: And people were really craving information, similar to what Tim was saying people were really interested. They wanted to know what was happening. And they were looking to us.

Nihal Abed: Not just for information, but they wanted to help, they wanted to understand what they can do in such a, you know, unprecedented time

Nihal Abed: Usually we see a higher engagement with action or ask emails, where people can do something in this instance for our bushfire emails we we saw that people were craving.

Nihal Abed: More news and information. They wanted to know what was happening like similar to what Tim was saying it was more a source of knowledge for them so well. We saw the number of our open rates jump up dramatically. We also saw

Nihal Abed: Our subscription numbers jump up and with that we needed to shift what we were doing so with such a high acquisition number would really need to focus on our onboarding journey.

Nihal Abed: We needed to make sure that, yes, we were providing information, but also that we were able to educate and offer the supporters WHAT THEY ARE NEW SUBSCRIBERS what they wanted.

Nihal Abed: So that we could retain them beyond that, you know, three month honeymoon period. So really educating them about the brand and helping them understand what we do, you know, beyond the bushfires and beyond that particular crisis.

Lane Harbin: Absolutely. Yeah, it sounds like everything that each of us said is really

Lane Harbin: Parallels a lot of the trends that we saw in the benchmarks data.

Lane Harbin: So I’d love to talk a little bit more specifically about the trends in each of your industries and just get your take on what might be causing them so

Lane Harbin: Let’s start with media and publishers and 10 you can give us your thoughts on this, but we did see that media and publishing experience growth across the board and metrics. This year, you touched on this a little bit. But what do you think caused the shifts and did they surprise you.

Tim Huelskamp: Yeah, so, um, I think, I think the thesis here is just the growth of the newsletter and email channel as a source to deliver world class information. So what I mean by that is, and I’m not just saying this because I have a part of a newsletter business team, but I love newsletters. Personally, I get over 100 of them from culture. to what’s happening. My city to food to startups to like even newsletters about newsletters actually get probably five or 10 of those. And what I love about them is you have a really smart person who’s incredibly passionate about their space.

Tim Huelskamp: They’re researching for maybe like a whole week on what they’re seeing in the market and insights and stories and interviews and podcasts and just aggregating and curating all that information in a really easy to just easily digestible way.

Tim Huelskamp: So I love them. And I think, like, if you look at the newsletter industry as a whole. It just keeps getting stronger and stronger and stronger. It’s definitely getting more competitive to you, but the content of the newsletter.

Tim Huelskamp: curators and creators are putting out on a weekly basis. It’s just it just keeps getting better. And I think that is a leading indicator on why why the industry is growing and open rates are increasing and etc.

Lane Harbin: Yeah, and we’ve we did see open rates. This year increase 29% six since 2018 so that’s huge. And that really speaks to the engagement, you’re talking about. I’m wondering if you were

Lane Harbin: giving advice to maybe a publisher who is finding that their engagement rates aren’t as high as they would like them to be. What advice would you give

Tim Huelskamp: Yeah, I would say reader feedback is a gift.

Tim Huelskamp: We strive super hard in our organization.

Tim Huelskamp: So in the bottom of every email. We’re always asking for your feedback. I think you’ll be surprised even with like when we were really small, how

Tim Huelskamp: It’s awesome. Right. Yes. How awesome users and not all of them, some of them are awesome with their responses, but how just helpful and

Tim Huelskamp: The people. The people tend to be your readers are also super interested in passionate your space as well.

Tim Huelskamp: So if you ask them for feedback. You’d be amazed at how much detailed feedback they provide. They’ll provide to you on how to make your product better how to improve your service, so I think

Tim Huelskamp: I think a lot of folks like when you when you send out an email and there’s a do not reply at like, to me that’s like a cardinal sin.

Tim Huelskamp: I spend a lot of time talking to our consumers and really understanding why why they’re reading us how we can improve and, you know, it’s, it helps us immensely. So that’s the the big feedback piece of feedback, I would have

Lane Harbin: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, that is just such a rich source of data and truly a direct

Lane Harbin: Connection with your audience. So

Lane Harbin: I completely agree to do not reply emails are like my pet peeve because you’re missing out on an amazing way to learn more about your readers.

Lane Harbin: Let’s move to agencies and talk a little bit about your experience, Carly, because I know that as an agency. You’re not just serving one industry but you actually had to very quickly become an expert on

Lane Harbin: Many industries response to Kobe and everything else going on. So we saw in the benchmarks that there was a slight decline across the board and metrics this year. So I’m wondering, what did you think maybe cost some of those shifts and did they surprise you.

Carly Hegstad: Yeah, I mean, I was a little bit surprised by these metrics. Just because exactly like you said their lane. We work with a variety of different clients a variety of different email campaigns and

Carly Hegstad: You know, depending on the client in the industry. We saw benchmarks, you know, both above and below those

Carly Hegstad: But exactly like you said, it’s a very unique scenario that we’re responding to this challenge, not just from an agency industry perspective.

Carly Hegstad: But then shifting that angle for each of our clients in their industry and really making sure that it’s a unique email strategy or overall marketing strategy for each client and each campaign.

Carly Hegstad: You know, one example is we work with a state travel and tourism department and

Carly Hegstad: We do a lot of their emails from a B2B standpoint, in a sense, where it’s the state Tourism Department talking with their partners.

Carly Hegstad: And we really leaned on email as a source to share this critical information that we’ve been talking about here and and why some of those smaller businesses.

Carly Hegstad: You know how they can depend on tourism or what they could do to stay afloat and even with this increase in frequency and and sending

Carly Hegstad: Again, that content in that message was so important and relevant that we did see increased metrics across the board for them.

Carly Hegstad: But I think looking at agencies. Overall, I mean, you know, I think sometimes simply they didn’t know how to respond or maybe necessarily what tone to take for their brand.

Carly Hegstad: I think some agencies may have tried to continue with their existing strategies others maybe have been to rash and sending their, you know, quote unquote standard coven 19 email.

Carly Hegstad: We also have a ton of those who are in boxes. Earlier this year, and I think some maybe even put a halt to messaging altogether because they simply just didn’t know how to respond.

Carly Hegstad: But really this year, I think. I mean, it showed more than ever, the need for teams to really be nimble and their strategies.

Carly Hegstad: And I’d be willing to bet that the agencies who, you know, were prepared to do this on a larger scale, and especially where employees are starting to go remote and kind of changing communication there.

Carly Hegstad: I bet they were the ones that saw better success than those who just tried to stay the course or, you know, tried to do that without making some pretty significant changes to their strategies.

Lane Harbin: Yeah, and my next question was going to be. How could agencies combat the trend of these declining metrics, but it almost sounds like It’s really something you’re taking on a client by client basis on how they should respond. Can you just tell us a little bit about how you approached advising your clients on how they should or shouldn’t respond as these different events were taking place.

Carly Hegstad: Yeah, absolutely. And one of the biggest things we talked about as an

Carly Hegstad: Agency. Here is the importance of just being a point of confidence for our clients and what was otherwise some pretty uncertain times a phrase we’ve we’ve used a lot this past year.

Carly Hegstad: But it’s really coming alongside our clients and ensuring them that, you know, this isn’t necessarily the time to just can go completely dark in your campaigns.

Carly Hegstad: But really using it as an opportunity to think crucially about what your messages shift that message shift that strategy to fit where you know their unique consumers are where their audiences and we also had to kind of lead the forefront of doing that ourselves as an agency as well.

Lane Harbin: Right and tie into Tim’s point about really understanding where your audience is coming from will help you understand what messaging, you need to use

Lane Harbin: That’s, that’s great advice in the nonprofit world me while we talked about this a little bit but nonprofits just time and time again in our benchmarks report rank as the top industries for

Lane Harbin: Every area when it comes to engagement, but especially click through rate and click to open rate. So, you know, what would you say to the question of why nonprofits seem to get such a great engagement. Does that surprise you, or is that your experience as well.

Nihal Abed: Um, well, no, I’m not surprised, actually.

Nihal Abed: I think the high performance of not for profit emails really comes down to the loyalty of our subscribers about database.

Nihal Abed: Supporters generally sign up to the list because they feel an affiliation with the brands they believe in the work.

Nihal Abed: And they want to feel good about a contribution that they’re making. And I think that they stick around and engage with our emails, because they’ve made an emotional investment.

Nihal Abed: And for them it’s important to receive feedback on the contribution that they’re making and validation for the emotional investment that they’ve made.

Nihal Abed: So yeah, like I’m not surprised because you know 2020 was again yes it was unprecedented and what we do know is when there’s a crisis, people generally turn to charities.

Nihal Abed: For information and for an end to feel like that they’re actually making a difference in such difficult times, so it’s it’s it’s that sense of purpose and information that they’re after. And that’s obviously our unique selling points and it’s what we are also

Nihal Abed: I’m not at all surprised, given the the crazy that we have in terms of you know what the benchmarks say and what we saw with our database.

Nihal Abed: Absolutely, it absolutely echoed what was in the report. So we saw the two major spikes in engagement happened during the bush fire crisis and it happened during the peak covert

Nihal Abed: You know peak lockdown period. So we, again, we had to pivot on our usual strategy and in our into financial you campaign we featured

Nihal Abed: An important story about our code response, just to keep our supporters informed about what we were doing in that space. And it was really

Nihal Abed: One of the best. In fact, it was the best in the financial year campaign that we’ve had to date. So really it affirmed what we know and that it’s important to provide supporters information and give them validation on you know the contribution that they’re making in difficult times.

Lane Harbin: Absolutely. And I think your point about people turn to charities and nonprofits because they feel very connected to the cause and if they are coming to you as like a moment in time, whether that’s cool. Good, or the bushfires

Lane Harbin: How, how do you then take those new subscribers people who maybe are newly interested and turn them into long term relationships. So just the idea of taking

Lane Harbin: That really high engagement and making it a long term thing for your, for your company.

Nihal Abed: Yeah, that’s actually a challenge for us because what happens is when there’s a bit of a crisis of the moment. People feel connected to that particular

Nihal Abed: You know their hearts are captured by that particular moment and then they subscribe or, you know, they’ll engage with us.

Nihal Abed: But our challenge really is to retain them beyond generally that three month mark. And if we can do that past that three month mark.

Nihal Abed: To build the rapport build the trust and to educate them on our everyday work we’re generally on a good path to retaining those subscribers. So in terms of strategy. It’s really important to invest

Nihal Abed: In a robust onboarding journey. It really helps solidify that relationship and build that trust and help them really understand that our work goes beyond just that crisis opportunity that you know really captured their hearts at that moment.

Nihal Abed: And with the onboarding journey. It’s really, it’s important that we that you send a combination of email. So, you know, there’s the storytelling emails, the impact

Nihal Abed: Report back emails, just to help them understand that there’s progress in this space and their contribution matters and also asked and action emails, because what we do know is

Nihal Abed: Supporters in the not for profit sector really want to know. It’s not just about the information, but it’s also about feeling important. And that their unique contribution makes a difference.

Lane Harbin: Amazing. I feel like the onboarding map, you just laid out is ready for any nonprofit to us because that’s a, that’s a great formula.

Lane Harbin: Well, thank you all for that.

Lane Harbin: And thinking about the benchmarks as

Lane Harbin: I guess I know a lot of marketers will look at those. And there’s a lot of numbers, a lot of data points.

Lane Harbin: And they can get a little bit overwhelmed and not know exactly where to get started when it comes to using that information to build their strategy. So I wanted to hear from each of you about how you use the benchmarks to create or refine your own email strategy. LET’S START WITH CARLY.

Carly Hegstad: Yeah. For us, it’s a combination we combine these industry benchmarks.

Carly Hegstad: Alongside with what we see in our own performance to really have that better understanding of, you know, what our was our audience responding to best and how that impacts our strategy moving forward. So

Carly Hegstad: We’ll use these types of metrics as guidelines to again understand why certain campaigns, maybe exceed or kind of fall short of these numbers to pinpoint where can we optimize before our next end and how to read. How do we repeat what’s working well for us.

Lane Harbin: Absolutely. How about you.

Nihal Abed: Yeah, absolutely. The

Nihal Abed: benchmarks are really important to us.

Nihal Abed: You know, it’s not just tracking how we’re going it’s done. Lee, but also understanding

Nihal Abed: It generally will start initiatives, where we don’t have a baseline. And these benchmarks really give us that starting point. So we can understand what success looks like.

Nihal Abed: It also helps us understand what we need to test. So for example, the benchmarks really you know that Friday being

Nihal Abed: A great, you know, send day was like, What color is that it really was surprising to see that it’s not it’s not a usual day for us to hit send, on a on a campaign.

Nihal Abed: And so, you know, what we will do is we’ll inject that into our test and learn matrix, so that we can test it against our database because obviously every database is different, but it gives us, you know, really great guide as to what we need to test and what how we can improve

Nihal Abed: How we can improve our engagement through what’s come out in the in the report.

Lane Harbin: Tim, How about you.

Tim Huelskamp: Yeah, we’re constantly using the benchmark data to understand how we can improve our offering

Tim Huelskamp: I think one of the big things we do to in addition to benchmark is knowing the benchmark data and then really diving deep with some of their campaign monitor segmenting tools to really understand how you can improve

Tim Huelskamp: Your data. So we use like net promoter score for that pretty effectively.

Tim Huelskamp: And look at what the readers that love us what they love about us.

Tim Huelskamp: What do they like about us and then the detractors I either folks that don’t like us as much. What are they not we’re not delivering for them and then figuring out. Okay, so the bottom half of our readers. What is it that we can improve to bring their score up

Tim Huelskamp: And again, the campaign monitor solution super helpful for us to target those areas and really understand those insights

Lane Harbin: Yeah, okay. So you all mentioned some form of testing or going deeper on the data, which I love because

Lane Harbin: What we don’t want benchmarks to be the end all be all, I just look at the one number and then never do anything more with it. We really want it to be the starting place for like Neil said testing.

Lane Harbin: Like Tim said sort of segmenting your list and figuring out how can we improve that engagement in a more in depth way. So really glad to hear all of you say that

Lane Harbin: And on that note, let’s talk a little bit about your email marketing goals in 2021. What do you think will be key to your email strategy going into the New Year Carly, let’s start with you.

Carly Hegstad: Yeah. For us lead generation will be a really big focus for us as we head into this new year.

Carly Hegstad: Really thinking about the importance of growing our first party data, especially with in pending changes to third party data and how that world continues to change.

Carly Hegstad: But we know that it’s not just about, you know, the quantity of leads. But really, the quality and looking at that user signup process holistically, kind of like Whitney was saying earlier,

Carly Hegstad: You know, thinking about how can we get them to sign up what data is most important to capture up front.

Carly Hegstad: You know, how can we use that to put them into an applicable segment right away so that, from there we can really start to establish a strong one to one communication with each of our subscribers and

Carly Hegstad: Building that engagement moving forward. Those are the kinds of things we’re looking at for this coming year. And, you know, this is one of those examples.

Lane Harbin: Yeah, me. How about you, Australian Red Cross.

Nihal Abed: Yeah, absolutely. So pretensions probably going to be our major focus disease. So last year we organically acquired

Nihal Abed: So many new subscribers so they see the focus is going to be on retaining them. So like I mentioned before, it’s really important that we inspire these supporters to stick around. And really, you know,

Nihal Abed: Get involved with our everyday work and not just our crisis response that happened last year. So really, you know, optimizing onboarding journey, having a look at that and the results and seeing what we can do to improve there.

Nihal Abed: Were also we launched a preference center. So the focus there is very much, you know, Red Cross so much like this just a vast amount of work and it’s really important that we give

Nihal Abed: The supporters or subscribers back the power to to pick and choose what they want to hear about. And with that, you know, where we’ll have opportunities to personalize so really create journeys off the back of those preferences.

Nihal Abed: And hopefully see a decline in our attrition as decline in global unsubscribed

Nihal Abed: And really improved.

Nihal Abed: Support engagement this year.

Lane Harbin: Okay, so not a short list of goals, but a lot of really exciting things 10, anything to add.

Tim Huelskamp: No, nothing, nothing else outside of what’s already what’s already been said.

Lane Harbin: Yeah, we’ve got acquisition. We’ve got retention. We’ve got attrition. I think it’s covered

Lane Harbin: It. Well, that’s exciting. It sounds like a good year coming up for all of you. So I’d like to just end with kind of a rapid fire round of advice for all the email marketers out there.

Lane Harbin: What advice would you give moving into this new year when they’re planning, they’re looking at the benchmarks data and they’re kind of figuring out what’s next. The hall you answer.

Nihal Abed: Yeah, look, I really think that

Nihal Abed: Last year, Really taught us that, you know, we can shake things up, we can be a little bit more agile and we can get through it.

Nihal Abed: And I, I really think it’s important that we take that with us into the new year and really

Nihal Abed: look objectively about the things that we’re sending out. I think it’s a really great opportunity to actually

Nihal Abed: You know, really assess why we’re sending things out. I personally think that the probably one of the worst things

Nihal Abed: An email marketer can do is actually just send something out because they’ve always just send something out and that that happens in a lot of

Nihal Abed: Businesses. It’s just the truth. You know, we’re quite busy time poor and it’s easy to just, you know, fall into a routine. So just having that 2020 shake up that we had was

Nihal Abed: I think you know valuable actually for all of us, because it allowed us to really assess why we’re sending something out what’s important and just re prioritizing on our strategy, a little bit more so.

Nihal Abed: I’m personally going to take that with me. We’re going to have a look at, well, I am already having a look at what we’re sending out and looking at, you know, retiring some newsletters that are performing

Nihal Abed: Looking comparing the results, you know, with the benchmarks and seeing, you know what, what we can improve what we can get rid of. And what we can introduce into our strategy as well so

Nihal Abed: I think that’s going to be a great focus. And I think that’s really, you know, a gift that 2020 has given us

Lane Harbin: Yeah, I love that mindset that, you know, we, it has proven the past year that adaptability and not always doing things the same way is the key to surviving and to growing. And so I love the way you’re applying that to your email program.

Lane Harbin: 10. How about you, what advice would you give email marketers

Tim Huelskamp: Yeah, I might sound like a broken record after this guy. But yeah, I think it’s just it’s just really understanding consumer and what they want and delivering that to them.

Tim Huelskamp: So famous early stage investor that says you know make something people want. And it’s like, super simple and i think i think they’re spot on when they say that the product, the industry, we’re in. It’s not like we’re selling a

Tim Huelskamp: Shirt that goes to Walmart never understand why people aren’t buying it. You can literally connect directly with your customer and understand why they like your product, why you don’t like your product.

Tim Huelskamp: It’s pretty it’s pretty rare. Like most industries. We don’t have that direct access to

Tim Huelskamp: To our customers. So I think my big advice and, you know, we heard this lot early on and we try really hard on every day. It’s just really understanding your consumer what they want, how you provide value to them.

Tim Huelskamp: And I think once you do that, a things easier to if you have a product people like people want, they tend to forward it on to others. You get organic growth. So I think it’s just

Tim Huelskamp: So we try to focus on every days is am I. This is a product for ourselves to niche. We were, we wanted to scratch. When we started, so how do I

Tim Huelskamp: How do we make sure as a team that every day we’re delivering value to our customers because they have so many options. And if it’s if we’re not doing that.

Tim Huelskamp: You know they had the, the, the, the unsubscribe button, although they did it a lower rate this year, according to the benchmark. So that’s, that’s good.

Lane Harbin: Amazing. Yeah. So I think, consider this your flashing neon sign from 10 talk to your customers that is so simple but so overlooked. So thank you for that. Carly, what would you say

Carly Hegstad: Yeah, I mean, it’s very similar to what Tim. So I was talking to your customers as that we can’t forget that email marketing isn’t just about us as the brand. It’s really about our audience and what they want to hear from us. I mean, we’ve said that

Carly Hegstad: Many times here in just this presentation, but before creating, you know, a new email strategy we recommend starting out with some exercises that get either you or your clients.

Carly Hegstad: Just really on the same page about who your audience is one of our favorite ways to do this. And again, the advice that we would give is by creating user personas for each of your segments.

Carly Hegstad: That you’re sending to that it would really outline. You know who they are. Why are they interacting with your brand.

Carly Hegstad: What is the content that they’re looking to receive and understanding, then how that segment and the messaging of that segment results back to your overall business strategies.

Carly Hegstad: You know, getting everyone on the same page from the start about who you’re sending to and why it’s not only going to create a lot of efficiencies for your team, but it’s really going to result in better and products for you. Overall, as well.

Lane Harbin: could not agree more. Yeah, and I think You know, one thing that’s just stuck out to me from hearing All this great advice from each of you is that while you represent different industries And different audiences. So many of the things you’ve shared today are just general wisdom that anybody listening or watching this could take and apply to their email program so

Lane Harbin: I hope they will. And I want to thank you all so much for being here and sharing these amazing insights with us.

Lane Harbin: And before we go. Just one final housekeeping note, I will share with our audience is that we will send you an email in the next couple of days with the recording to this webinar and links to all the resources that we mentioned in this presentation.

Lane Harbin: And finally, there will be a really short survey that appears once you click out of the webinar. So we would love it if you could just spare minute and let us know what you thought about the content today. This is us talking to our audience to see what you like and if you want to suggest some topics for next time that will help us deliver the most relevant and delightful useful content to you. So thank you all for being here. Again, thank you to our panelists and we will talk to you soon. Bye.

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