11 Elements of an Epic Email Newsletter

11 Elements of an Epic Email Newsletter

Email newsletters are an excellent way to enhance engagement with your brand. In fact, according to Nielsen Norman Group, 90% of consumers prefer to receive updates via an email newsletter while just 10% prefer updates on social channels.

It’s important to make sure your newsletter features all of the right content. That’s why we’re sharing eleven epic elements to make sure your newsletter includes:


1. Must-click subject line

This is the first piece of information your reader’s see, so make sure you entice them to open your message. Do this by teasing content that is inside by using humor or by asking a question.

2. Compelling preheader copy

This is the next piece of information that readers will see and should be treated as an extension of your subject line. Tease the reader a little more to entice them to open up your message to learn more.

3. Featured content

Pick one piece of outstanding content and use that as the feature at the top of your newsletter. If you are struggling to pick a featured piece, narrow down your options until you find that one piece of must-read information.

4. Eye-catching graphics

Graphics are what pulls the eye to your different pieces of content included within your newsletter. So, make sure your images and other graphics are eye-catching and serve a purpose.

5. Organized layout

Make use of a template that displays your content in blocks, similar to a newspaper. Don’t neglect other layout options such as the inverted pyramid and zig-zag layouts designed to keep the reader’s eyes moving in a given direction.

6. Minimal text

Avoid larch blocks of text. Your newsletter should include article titles and a one-sentence description for each piece of content you choose to include.

7. Clear CTAs

Use a colorful CTA that stand out and directs readers to each article. This can be done by simply using contrasting colors to make the CTA buttons pop off the page. 

8. Minimal promotions

As much as consumers would rather brands send them promotional information via email, they have also stated in recent research that they would want brands to send them more informative information. This is why your newsletter should include 90% informational content and 10% promotional. 

9. Social links

Help your readers stay in touch via social media by providing social icons to every newsletter so users can easily follow you. 

10. Preference selection

Let your subscribers tell you what content they want to receive by linking to a preference center. This helps increase the level of subscriber personalization, something your readers will thank you for. 

11. Unsubscribe option

Thanks to updated laws and regulations, all email marketing material must provide subscribers with a simple way for them to opt-out of future emails. That’s why adding an unsubscribe option to the footer of your emails is a must. 

Wrap up

Knowing how to craft a quality email newsletter is a must for email marketers. So remember, you must include:

Need some additional ideas for your next email newsletter? Then take a few minutes to check out these stand-out newsletters we’ve recently come across and let Campaign Monitor help get you started. 

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