With eighteen Gusto Italian restaurants spread out across the United Kingdom, this master of cuisine serves up the finest Italian delicacies. Complementing the meals with upscale restaurant atmospheres, Gusto delivers on a premium dining experience every time.

Gusto Italian first made the switch to Campaign Monitor in an effort to re-engage their audiences. Now, Gusto relies on the platform to build and maintain relationships with customers, and communicate enticing offers that food-lovers can’t deny.

With the help of Campaign Monitor, Gusto Italian saw a big boost in business.

66% increase in open rates
50% reduction in unsubscribe rates
20,000 Rewards subscribers in first 3 months
There are a lot of platforms out there that offer a user-friendly experience. But Campaign Monitor brings that same accessibility without sacrificing any features along the way. With Campaign Monitor, our team has an easy-to-use platform, but we’re also able to deliver on the sophisticated side of email. Phil Leather, Head of Digital at Gusto Italian

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