Resources Hub » Knowledge base » How Do I Get More Email Subscribers?

If you’re serious about growing your bottom line, you’ll need to work on growing your email subscriber base.

Growing your email subscribers is an incredibly prominent pillar to marketing success. Email promises powerful ROI, but only if you have a subscriber base that’s interested and responsive to your messages.

Why is an email subscriber important?

No matter how many social media followers or website visitors you may have, they’re typically very passive. They’re scrolling through a slew of content, and you only have a moment to get them to engage.

Your email subscriber, on the other hand, is different. Since they give you permission to email them, you can reach out to them any time and reasonably expect them to give you a bit more attention.

Since it serves as a direct channel of communication, email is more effective than social media and other marketing channels when it comes to growing your business.

Since email is a business’ biggest asset, growing your list can grow your business.

So, how do you grow your subscriber base?

How Do I Get More Email Subscribers?

Source: Really Good Emails

How to get more email subscribers

Growing your email subscriber base may seem overwhelming if you’ve never done it before. So here are a few pointers to help you attract and retain more subscribers.

Create a hard-to-resist lead magnet.

As the name suggests, a lead magnet is meant to attract subscribers to opt into your email list. In order to create an irresistible lead magnet, you’ll need to know your target audience very well. In order to do this, create a buyer persona as close to your ideal subscriber as possible.

This will enable you to know what your ideal subscriber really needs from you.

Your lead magnet could be anything from an ebook, a discount, or a free trial of your service. Whatever you choose, the content should be appealing enough to drive subscriptions.

Leverage social media.

Although email marketing trumps social media marketing when it comes to ROI, social media still offers opportunity. Social media platforms are a great place to gain new subscribers.

Social media can generate subscriptions in two ways:

  • You can invite your current followers to sign up for your newsletter or service.
  • You can boost your reach on social media with paid promotions.

Take advantage of these opportunities by crafting a landing page and welcome series specifically for subscribers from social media. This will help you provide a seamless transition from your social media page to your email content.

Make it easy to sign up.

Make your sign up form as simple as possible. This means using the right number of form fields, clear and concise copy, and simple design.

On a related note, make sure your opt-in form is clearly visible on your website. It shouldn’t take hunting down a tiny little link to subscribe!

Ask your current subscribers to spread the good news.

The money isn’t just in the list. Your email subscribers are also your best brand ambassadors. It’s not too much to ask them to share your newsletter with their family and friends.

As long as you provide them with value-packed emails, they’ll definitely be glad to spread the word.

Does it really matter?

If growing your business is important to you, then your list growth should be top priority.

Not only will it help you increase your profits, but it’s one of the few, effective ways of building relationships with your customers.

What now?

There’s no better time to start growing your email list than now.

But before you launch your subscriber base growth campaign, you’ll need to make sure you’ve got a great email service to support you.

This blog provides general information and discussion about email marketing and related subjects. The content provided in this blog ("Content”), should not be construed as and is not intended to constitute financial, legal or tax advice. You should seek the advice of professionals prior to acting upon any information contained in the Content. All Content is provided strictly “as is” and we make no warranty or representation of any kind regarding the Content.

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