Resources Hub » Knowledge base » What is a Good or Average Email Response Rate for Email Marketing?

Email marketers have many metrics to keep track of. Knowing where all your figures fall is part of running the most successful campaign possible.

However, sometimes a person is aiming for one particular metric over the others. The response rate, for example, is not always a factor, but this metric can be critical to keep track of, depending on your goals.

Read on to learn the answers to questions like the following questions: What’s the average response rate you should aim for? How can you measure your response rate to make sure it is accurate, and why is tracking this metric such an essential part of your email marketing strategy?

What’s a good response rate and how do you measure it?

Response rates can vary, depending on the type of email you’re sending. Likewise, it is good to seek a metric that matches up with what you’re working on.

There are also other variables to consider. The email type is one, but there’s also the industry you’re based in. You should also consider the type of email platform you’re using, the content of the email, and the target audience.

On average, some people may say a good response rate to aim for is 10%. This number could be higher or lower by 5-10%, depending on how experienced you are and how much work you’ve put into your campaign.

In some cases, you may set the bar at zero and get your next “average” benchmark to aim for after your first round of results. If you’re a more experienced marketer with more metrics to work with and a big subscriber list to write to, you could feasibly aim for 20% or even higher.

Want a good starting point? Gauge it by the average open rate, which is around 15-25%.

If your open rates are above average, you could expect above-average response rates as well. This gives you an easier way to set a realistic benchmark.

As for how to measure your response rates, you can use an email platform that tracks this stat. This is much more efficient than trying to count every single response.

You can also segment your email list to test out different response rate benchmarks among different groups of subscribers.

Do email response rates really matter?

While response rates aren’t everything, they do matter. Response rates can indicate how engaged your subscribers really are.

Response rates can also show you just how effective your email is. Does it compel your reader to click-through? Is the call to action powerful enough?

Response rates are significant because they can facilitate lead generation and sales. They can ensure that email marketing delivers real ROI and helps drive the results marketers seek. Email response rates show you which subscribers are loyal, giving you a way to move forward strategically.

Email response rates show you which subscribers are loyal, giving you a way to move forward strategically.

Source: Campaign Monitor

As seen above, you can target specific segments of your subscriber base for responses. What is the benefit of this? If you know males won’t likely respond, for example, you automatically stand to raise your response rate by taking them out of the equation.

Email response rates are essential for your bottom line as well as the long-term success of your email marketing campaigns.

Wrap up

Email response rates are one of the most important metric marketers can track. Responses indicate interest and long-term potential. When it comes to an understanding this critical metric, remember:

  • Response rates vary based on industry, content, and audiences
  • To improve response rates, segment your list into specific categories
  • Responses can indicate the potential for future leads and sales

When you’re looking for a good response rate, you should base it on your own metrics as well as those averages in the industry you’re based in. The importance of response rates extends beyond just getting two-way conversations going.

The benefit of a good response rate is that it indicates you have high-quality subscribers for future campaigns.

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